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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2004-11-10 - 10:23 p.m.

Nativity at Christmas

Many, many years ago, I made a Christmas gift for my mother. That year, I spent all of November huddled in my bedroom with some small pecan resin nativity figures, some paint and some very fine paint brushes. The result was a 7 piece handpainted nativity set. I unveiled the nativity set on Christmas eve. I wasn't able to nd a suitable manger for my little scene, and my father set to work. He took some thin pine with the bark on one side and made a manger. We put my nativity "people" in the manger, added a little straw and it was magical.

That was a couple of years before my father died. The following year after that one, I found another pecan resin wiseman just after Christmas and squirreled it away. The following Christmas, he made his appearance. The year after that, the angel found its way completing the set.

I have no idea where that entire set went. I'm afraid to go to my sister's house for Christmas. If I see it displayed, I'm not really sure what I'd do. It's not the work involved that would make me so unhappy. It would be the fact that she doesn't know the story behind it and I doubt seriously it would make much difference.

It's either in her house or my brother's or some landfull somewhere. Which leads me to my next little "thing". I've decided that I wanted to create another nativity scene similar to the one I had made so many years ago. I thought that would be a good start to collecting Christmas things. I'm not overly religious these days, but a nativity is a must at Christmas.

Do you know how insanely difficult it is to find a pecan resin nativity set that's not already pained, and one that doesn't look like it's for children or a "snowman nativity". Both aren't what I'm looking for....

So... if you know of where I can find anything (it doesn't have to be pecan resin, it can be bisque (although "Precious Moments" makes me gag). Wooden or otherwise, I don't care, but I want it to be three dimensional and I want to paint it myself.

I know I'll probably have to order it, so time is pretty critical.

As with everything these days, it's time critical....imagine that.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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