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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2004-05-02 - 10:14 a.m.

Saturday... WOW....

Yesterday... so much went on, it's hard to know where to start... first off.. Congrats to Sir Janos and Mistress Rachel our newest Prince and princess!

I did make it to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival.. took me about 3.5 hours to get there, and 3.0 hours to get home.. don't ask me about how I drive.. Ignorance really is bliss :-)

I left here, stopped at the Wal Mart where one of the Customer Service heads was YELLING at this sweet looking kid in a blue vest. He was scrambling around all red-facedwhile she was yelling at him "THERE'S NO REASON IN THIS WORLD THAT YOU CAN'T GET ALL THE BAGS DONE.. YOU'VE ALREADY BROUGHT THEM UP FROM THE BACK AND GET TO IT! The boy (he looked about 17) started scrambling around to get it done... I made a comment to the cashier that I thought it was wrong to yell at a worker like that in front of customers. She learned forward and said that if I was bothered, I should say something to the Store manager. I decided that since it bothered me, I would. When I found the store manager, he explained that the boy she was yelling at was autistic and his "pet project". He explained that the boy did good work, but he tended to wander at times. That's what I said that with autism, yelling is just not productive and down-right wrong. He said he'd speak to her....well, at least the guy wasn't a cart-herder and urinating on cars in the parkinglot... yeah.. the next time you see a puddle and it hasn't rained... I'd steer clear.. but that's just me.

Anyways.. the S&W Festival was hot and humid. I got there around 12:15 and after about a half hour or so of wandering around on my own, I ran into AoD (or rather, she found me). I was on my way to meet Sarna at the gate. We had a wonderful lunch (the food wasn't all that good, but the company was great).. we shared a table with two weathered older ladies... both very sweet. I got some interesting advice on life and we continued on our way.

AoD bought some really cute croched finger puppets, and Sarna bought some wool (imagine that.. wool at a Sheep and Wool Festival!)

I wa about to give up and commit the horror of "Not buying Anything" when we went through one more barn and Lo and behold.. I found it (insert joyous music.. let it swell a bit... niiiice)... I turned around and found a much smaller version of my Kromski Harp Rigid Heddle Loom set on a beautiful stand. The sales rep was trying to help this lady decide on a rigid Heddle loom, but never having used a Harp, she couldn't really say much about it... to which I turned around and gave the lady a GLOWING recommendation... explained how it folded and to what dimensions, how easy it was to assemble and warp... I couldn't say enough about it... Well, my testimony sold the lady and she not only bought a loom but a stand as well... which then prompted me to ask if they had stands for the 32" model. They had two left (they normally sell in catalogs, when you can find them, for somewhere close to $100-$120. I took one and when I went to pay for it. The price was $84 plus tax, and they decided to give me a bit of a discount.. I got it for $82 total. It's not much of a discount, but hey.. I did them a favor.. the least they could do for me was a small favor... considering that I came really close to selling a second one to another lady looking for a good foldable loom.

We had an ice cream after the shopping and then started to head for our cars. AoD was very sweet and gave me a ride to my truck in her miata... it's such a little car, but it was definitely impressive. That little car can go just about anywhere... tall grass isn't a problem, although if the grass was much higher, I think it would have been swallowed hole...

On the way home, I hit traffic in several places, and rain threatened... more than once it outright rained on me... but thankfully I managed to avoid several accidents..(a three-lane Interstate, a white SUV in the right lane, I'm in the middle lane, and a black Saab in the left lane... somehow, I'm not really certain... a tractor-trailer decided there should be four lanes, instead of three.. I found myself hugging the left side of my lane (I had no where to go) while the truck barrelled ahead. He laid on the air horn, and came on through, forcing the black Saab to do the only thing he could.. he headed for the shoulder... the truck just kept on going. I couldn't stop because I was in the middle lane and to try that maneuver would have made things worse.. hopefully, the occupants are okay... but it really gave me a dislike for tractor-trailers at that particular moment. I did manage to get almost all the way home avoiding the threatening rainstorms...I hit a frog choker near Lewistown Road... but I was close enough to home to not need to stop, and there was still plenty of daylight left.

I got home with my loom stand and went about setting it up. It took about 30 minutes (or less) and it was ready to go...

I woke up this morning, and decided to try it out.... it works really well and now makes the rigid heddle loom even more portable than it was before.. now, I don't need a table edge to make it "go". I just need a chair.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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