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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2004-04-12 - 6:53 a.m.

Remember when....

Okay, so I have about seven minutes to be brilliant, witty or insightful... hmmm.... I should have something around here somewhere......

Not much going on in my life, just trying to keep my head above water in more ways than one. We got off to a very early start with a phone call from my love's work asking him to be in "with all due haste".. that was at 6AM. I ended up at work a half-hour early, which actually workd out well all the way around; but geez was I tired for some unknown reason. We came home, ate dinner, I made a phone call and then found myself waking up in front of the tv about three hours later. I went to bed and had the strangest dreams, waking up about once an hour (I hate it when I do that, I never get GOOD sleep, just some sleep)...I'm up again at 6 this morning, getting ready to jump in the shower after taking care of some exchequer responsibilities.

The treadmill has made it out of the bedroom and I owe it some time tonight. I owe lots of people lots of things...

It does look like we'll be at crown Tournament. I managed to talk the reservationist into two barracks-style accommodations, so that will work. (I have to get the check out.. like TODAY)

This coming weekend is the Lochmere-ian annual "Night of the fillintheblank" event that we always enjoy. It's a rapier event, and always fun. I think we're going, but it all depends on how the week goes. Right now, it's only Tuesday, and I could use another weekend of sleep and lump-like behavior...

The following weekend, is the race in West Virginia; and after that is Crown Tournament.... I think the busy season has hit...::whimper:: I can remember when we used to ease into the fighting season, now we just seem to jump in with both feet already running.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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