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2004-04-13 - 11:26 p.m.

My Inner Child and the Rain

My inner child is ten years old!

The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether
I'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost
in a good book, or giggling with my best
friend, I live in a world apart, one full of
adventure and wonder and other stuff adults
don't understand.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hrm.. I wanted to be 4! Waaaaaaaa!..

Not much else going on' more eventually. When is eventually, you ask? I'm not really sure... maybe it's now (6:49a.m.) the next morning....

I'm so very tired of rain. So very very tired of rain. I'm tired of that damp "smell" when you live in the woods... I'm tired of seeing a green tinge that seems to creep around when it's this wet. I'm tired of hearing the weather guy/girl talk about how we're already 5 inches below average for this time of year. I'm tired of muddy shoes and muddy feet. I'm tired of seeing the lawn that we worked our butts off on last year sitting under water. I'm tired of seeing the extra-large puddles of rain in the driveway. I'm tired of the cold and dampness that seems to seep into some of my joints, making me feel old and useless. I'm tired of feeling water-logged. I think my abject hatred for rain happened during the "unpleasantness" back in October. That was enough rain and hardship to last me a lifetime. The dogs go out and just as fast as they run out the door, they're begging to come back in, and from there, at least one of them has to jump on bed and dry off... damp bedclothes... oh joy! The other one, is too small to jump on bed, but that doesn't stop her from putting her cold wet feet on the closest body part she can find... and because of the weather and puppy arthritis, she's a competitive snuggler who refuses to take a moment to consider the concept of "no". She's cold and she hurts that's all she understands. Wow.. that sounds familiar to me somehow. For the past day or so, even my hands have been barking at me. It's nothing I can't handle, but they're letting me know some important facts that can't be denied....and don't let me get started on the over-all dreary feeling that settles in.

The kind of feeling that makes you sit down to dinner, then to watch a LITTLE television, only to wake up in time to go to bed, and then be restless and unable to sleep, so you lay there, and you think of all the things that you shouldn't just before you drop off to sleep.... some conversation from three years (or more) years ago runs through your head, you think about finances, you think about your upcoming schedule, you hear your love's snoring that is usually comforting, but at least for tonight, it aggravates the crap out of you... why should HE sleep when I can't... Harrumph! How dare he! You're full of indignation at this late hour and you have no one to share it with... well ratfarts!

So.. you drift off to sleep FINALLY only to be awaken by what could only be described as a beacon of light... okay.. it's not so much a beacon as a light... but it's 2:30 in the morning... and it's on... so it might as well be a lighthouse beacon. Seems the hubbster heard "something". The dogs are asleep, snoring peacefully, so I'm pretty certain whatever the hubbster heard wasn't anything that's going to eat us. Th hubbster drifts off to sleep again (after he turns out the light); and there I am... back to where I was just two short hours earlier (and you thought this would be short entry.. FOOLED you!); trying to find that elusive thread that would bring me back to blessed somnolence. When I managed to find it again, I don't know.. but I must have, because I found myself bolt awake with the dog-collar shaking started at 5:55. That's dog-ese for "Yo... let me outta this place.. I GOT TO GO!" So after saying good morning to the little one who wants NO part of the outside (but she WILL have to go out), I let the big dog outside and he's out there for all of three minutes... just long enough for me to rotate laundry and he's ready to come back in and shake wet fur all over everything, and leave muddy paw prints practically everywhere (did I mention it's raining yet again?! Yeah, I know.. what a Surprise!) He wants entry into our bedroom so he can sleep on the bed (it's the comfiest place for him because of his size... he hates to sleep on the sofa because he can't stretch out and not have his feet or other body part hanging off... he hates the floor because, well, it's just not soft... yep... I've got comfort-hound.)

Well, it's not 7:06 and I've managed to pour my heart out to ya'll for twenty minutes now, and I'll bet that most of you have tired of the subject and moved on, so I guess I will to.....

Would anyone happen to have a weather forecast for this weekend for Lochmere? If it's going to be cold, damp and rainy...maybe this little chickie should stay home and try to be some sort of semblance of dry....

Okay... enough! Time to scram!

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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