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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2004-03-28 - 11:48 a.m.

The weekend.

So, let's see... what's new? Not a heck of a lot. We had a small bonfire last night to get rid of the pine tree that blew down during the hurricane last September (you know, I'll be glad when there are NO more reminders of those awful, horrible, nasty 10 days).

We're going to pay our pre-reg for Sapphire this week... it just wouldn't do to not be pre-regged for that event. Especially since I'm part of the Hollar's planning committee for the Hootenanny (it's going to be an event NOT to be missed).

Things are all calm and back to normal around our house. It's always amazing how we can grouse and once it's all over, it's really over.

We're trying to stick to our diet, but it's not been easy and I think that's been part of the problem; we're hungry, and there's only so much salad one can eat; at least that's what my body tells me. We've been trying to stick to a 65 gram a day carbohydrate habit, when we're used to a lot more (even the USRDA says we should have something like 300 a day).

We've also found a semi-solution to the where to camp problem at pennsic (providing we can't find another place to camp). Basically, the crux of the situation is, there is a drama queen in camp... and she tends to make the tensions in camp run really high to the point that no one wants to be there. She generally tries to runt he camp and everyone in it and doesn't think twice about making hurtful or ugly comments about people or things the rest of us like. Last year, she spent a good portion of the time deriding people that we know and like (for example, most of the folks in our Kingdom) for most of the war and then went ballistic when we asked her to keep her comments to herself. She managed to get into trouble with the Chirurgeonate, and of course, it wasn't her fault (in the end, somehow, it was mine, although I never set foot in the place as a caregiver)., etc., etc., etc. I'm sure most folks have had exposure to that sort of person in their lives.

But, to make a very long story short, I just don't want to spend my vacation in misery. I was excited about going and camping with our usual array of folks because she had decided she wasn't going. Now, she's made the announcement that she'll be there for part of war. There aren't really enough places for me to go for hours on end to avoid being in camp to not have to deal with her. I don't want to be responsible for drama in camp (I hate that sort of thing); so in an effort to spare my friends any drama that may be related to me (I've heard through the grapevine, that she holds me responsible for several things that have gone on in her life) I was choosing to just not go and not deal with her. No, it's not a very adult way to deal with it, but to be honest, I don't want my vacation or someone else's ruined by drama. We had enough of that last year to last us all for a VERY long time.

Yesterday, during the bonfire in our drive-way turnaround, we were brainstorming on ways for me to avoid camp when the tension gets high. The problem with where to go, is there really isn't any place TO go. There isn't any place for me to just go and sit for a while, either by myself or with friends. There's no place in the shopping area for anyone to sit down, I don't feel like I should take up space in the food court, and the A&S area has tents dedicated to classes... so there really isn't any place I can go and just sit for a while...there's no gathering place that's not food, fighting or shopping related. I want a "space" that I can sit down and work on a small project and watch the world go by for a while, and I don't feel like if I'm not buying something I should "move along". (Am I the only person that's noticed that there's no place in the merchant area for a shopper to sit?)

The basic plan is this... most of you know we have one of those green garden carts... (we re-painted ours blue)... well, they now make a smaller version.. in red. The plan is to buy a small one that's "Rhi's Little Red Wagon" and it will be packed with a chair, my table, and a small cooler so when things in camp get tense, I can just grab my wagon of stuff and go.. and I have a place to sit and a work surface for whatever I choose to work on, as well as some snacks and water. So I can take my little wagon and just go where I please, and I always have a place to sit and enjoy my pennsic when it pleases me. $55 isn't a bad price to pay for one's sanity. I'm still hoping to find another place to camp, but if we don't, at least it's a partial solution.

Supposedly, she's leaving on Tuesday, but if memory serves, she was only there until Monday morning last year, and the tension in camp was so bad people were finding places to go, and I actually ended up with a migraine headache for the first time in about three years.

So.. that's there things stand at the moment.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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