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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2004-03-22 - 7:18 a.m.

SCCA is NOT about Medieval Re-enactment!

Well, the weekend is over, and I was sorry to see it go. I had a good time, even though it was colder than a witche's mammary gland in a brass foundation lift-and-separate device. The cold wasn't really the worst part.. see, we were on top of a mountain and there was wind. Not just wind... but WIND. My face (although normally red) is now cherry red!

The driver of car 10 didn't wreck, nor did he suck.. in other words, he did great! He didn't win the race (it was a driving school with a 5-lap race at the end), he managed to keep the shiny side up, which is most important after all. Not everyone was that lucky this weekend.

We have pictures, but I don't think we've sucked them out of the camera yet. (It's all buttons and magic to me).. and since it's rather late in the morning, and we have to get to work,I'll have to leave the narrative for later tonight.

In short, a great time was had by all, and if schedules permit, we might could be talked into doing it again...

and for those who know me... NO, this does not mean I'm in love with Nascar, or a Nascar convert. It means that I value my friends enough to put mydetestment (is that a word) aside and be there for a friend.. and it's a WORLD of difference when you're rooting and helping someone you know versus some picture on a Corn Flakes Box (okay, Wheaties, but you get my drift), that you've never met and is your hero.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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