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2004-03-11 - 6:18 a.m.

a Hiatus is an elusive Beast

Sorry there haven't been any updates in a while. i did one, and it sat here all day because I forgot to click the little box at the bottom of the screen.

Oh Well.

KASF was fun, Gorm got to fight and had a great time. My entry didn't win anything, but oh well, I can't win every time. I did my best and I learned a few things in the process, so that was good.

As many of you know, the evening before KASF, I found myself in the emergency room with chest pains. Thankfully, it was nothing serious, just esophageal reflux thanks to a lot of stress I've been experiencing lately. I have medication that I'm taking and I'm working on reducing my stress.

I spent most of KASF not feeling "right". I can't really explain it. By Sunday, I was full-blown sick. I'm still sick, but getting better, but now my love appears to have fallen ill as well.

I missed one day of work this week.. I was just too exhausted to consider getting up and going in, and right now I'm tired because I'm not sleeping well, but I think I'm on the mend, it's really hard to tell right now.

My nephew is in NC right now, due to go to Afghanistan somewhere around the middle of April or so.

With all of the stress that we've had going on, and the chest pains, I've decided to cut back a bit on my SCA responsibilities. I *have* to find time to relax and I *have* to reduce my stress. The trip to the ER wasn't serious, but it was a wake up call. In that vein, I made the announcement last Sunday, but I'm giving up with Chronicler and Webminister duties for the Canton. I didn't feel like I was doing an adequate job anyways, and that just added to the stress. In short, I'm over-committed and I've decided to change that a little.

For the next short while, you may see my love solo at events (I'm not sure about this as of yet).. but if you do, please don't interpret his single-ness as me not wanting to see my friends, or me leaving the SCA. It isn't anything of the sort. I'm taking a self-induced hiatus so I don't get too burnt and leave all-together.

We've been at this six years now, and we're doing reasonably well, all things considered, and I've been so busy for so long that I'm really starting to show signs of burnout... and that's not good for someone who wants to enjoy this thing that we do for many more years to come. We pretty much got involved in service when we found the SCA and it's continued in one form or another ever since. I'm not saying that's bad, or we're stopping or anything, but I have to find a way to mix the "business" and "pleasure" aspects of things a bit more. There is more to an SCA event than going so you can find the people you need to get stuff done. At least there used to be.

Okay... this is long enough, and I need to hop into the shower. Ya'll be good to each other, and hopefully, once I'm well again, I'll be updating more frequently.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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