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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2003-10-15 - 6:57 p.m.

Wednesday-Week Two

This is Wednesday and the second workout day of the week. So far, I've biked/treadmilled (is that a word?) for a total of 9 miles (I'm rounding up the .10's of a mile) this week. So.... so far I've make it 21 miles (out of 351... but I'm getting there).

I have a bit more energy than I used to, and I just feel better overall. I'm also a bit stronger... I noticed today that the weights are getting a LOT easier, so I upped a few of them. Not much, just a little. I can try it there and if I like it, I can stay there, if not, I'll go back down. I'm not out to really build MUSCLES, but more toning won't kill me either. I want to take some of the classes, but I'm still very much the beached whale, so that will wait for a bit.

I had an appointment with my primary care doctor today and since I'm working out, she cut out one of my diabetes meds. I'm also going to see a diabetes educator to learn more about diet and the like.

My new monitor is the bomb! No more painful testing, and it's just lots easier to use..

The C&I is coming along okay. I'm working with a rounder hand, Carolingian something or other (I can't remember the exact name)... it fits within the 12-14 century, so it's a period hand and it works for me. I don't do very well with straight lines... but I'm also having fun. I emailed the clerk of the signet two days ago to tell him I think I'm ready for some of the more simple scrolls and to ask him a question. He hasn't had time enough to answer yet, so I'm not worried; but it is something on the creative side, and that helps a LOT. I have a scroll percolating in my head, but I'm not sure it's feasible or not. Here's a question for the C&I people out there.. let's say you want to diaper a scroll, but more than just a tiny square... what if you wanted to make the entire background of the Calligraphy diapered... is that something that was done in period? Would you calligraph first then diaper?

Inquiring minds and all that :)

I have a couple of projects going on this weekend, nothing all that fancy-schmancy... gym on Friday night and Sunday; this every other day schedule is a lot easier to remember than three times a week :)

Anyway.... time for me to git..I can only watch so much baseball :-)

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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