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2002-11-20 - 10:09 a.m.

Wednesday Dinner "parties"

Welp, tonight is the little dinner party I've been stressing over, and it's already a comedy of errors.

We ended up stuck at the office last night til 7:30 waiting for someone to admit that a handcount could be off. Nine off from a total of 4,000, am I the only person who thinks that's not such a big hairy deal. The hand count of checks was slightly off from what the database said it should be. That was the big hairy deal.

The sketti sauce had been sitting in the crock pot all day and by the time we got home, it was cooked (no, it wasn't burnt), but I had added extra water to it to allow for the possibility that we'd be home late (i'm learning to be prepared), and well, I think I added too much water.. it's rather thin (ICK!) So I've got a crock pot of something between sketti water and sketti sauce. We got some more tomato paste and I may just try to strain out the beef and meatballs and start the sauce all over again (I could.. I've got all the stuff).

With all that being said, the house is as clean as I could make it in about two and a half hours (the dog didn't get washed.. maybe I could put her in the washer with the clothes (JOKE!)

Now I'm just hoping I can find four glasses or cups that are the same color (they won't match the dishes, but my love says I'm the only one that worries about such things). This is the first "dinner party" type of thing I've ever done, and I want things to be good...not perfect... just good. I keep reminding myself that these people are FRIENDS. They're not going to care if things aren't perfect, they're coming because they enjoy the company, not because they want to inspect the house.

I woke up this morning feeling rather yucky. I think it's the blood sugar... My boss gave me an OJ this morning and I feel LOTS better (not perfect, but I can get there from here). I'm perkeing up by the minute, actually.. it's really weird. I should have done something when I started to feel bad, but I can't always tell the difference between "I feel sick" and "I feel icky".

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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