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2002-11-15 - 9:36 a.m.

Updates and then some

I stole this from uncle bob... it's a really cool story and thought I'd pass it along...and this comes from someone who hates sports...

We took some time off to work on the fence yesterday... and well, as per usual for us, the project has grown by leaps and bounds. It appears that the area we are attempting to fence in is something close to 35 feet wide by 69 feet long. That's about double the amount of posts we thought we'd need. We rented the power auger and got down to business. We got all but one of the terminal posts in and only three of the line posts. We had a problem with the far corner line post... we used the power auger but when we got down close to where we needed, the auger wouldn't advance, and since it had no reverse switch, we had to manhandle it out of the ground. What we found when we pulled the auger up made us both rather scared... in the hole was.... water. Not rushing water, and we're pretty confident we didn't breach the septic tank or anything. What we figure happened (based on the evidence and the conjecture of two people who don't have a clue) is that we have a layer of topsoil, then a nice thick layer of clay. In between these two layers is a nice fairly wide pocket of....WATER.It's about 4-5 inches below the surface and can't sink into the ground because of the nice clay bed. This would also explain why the ground there is always so soft.. the water can't seep into the ground past the clay. What about the fence you ask.... good question...I'll answer that as soon as we come up with something. We have 9 more line posts to go and one (or two) more terminal posts. This weekend promises more rain... so it looks like we're going to have to rent an auger again (next weekend) to get the last of them done. We had hoped to have all of the posts in before the weekend; but I just don't think it's going to be possible. We tried our best, and it kicked our butts.

So here's another plea for help.. if anyone out there reads this and has next Saturday (not TOMORROW) available and can see their way clearly to come and help us with the fence, we'd be grateful. We have minimal crash space, but we have food, drink and our thanks to offer.

Now, to be one of the few, the proud, the lemmings:

1. If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be?

some place quiet within 10 minutes of a grocery store and 35 minutes from work... oh wait... that's the house we have now! :-)

2. What is your favorite piece of clothing?

I never htought I'd ever say this... but I have a brushed cotton overtunic (yes, it's garb) that I just absolutely adore!

3. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex?

Eyes. Beautiful BLUE eyes.

4. What is the last CD that you bought?

Something country

5. Favorite place to be?

At home with my love and our furry babies.

6. Least favorite place to be?


7. Favorite place to be massaged?

shoulders, but a light touch, please.

8. What�s more important - strong mind or strong body?

Strong mind...definitely strong mind

9. What time to do you wake up in the morning?

6:00 on the nose every day without an alarm clock and without fail.

10. What�s your favorite kitchen appliance?

Crock pot

11. What makes you angry?

Unfairness, partiality and reverse discrimination.

12. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?

Piano (I used to play flute, quite well, actually).

13. What is your favorite color?

Brilliant "gem" colors of blue, red, green and purple.

14. Which do you prefer: sports car or SUV?

Sports car!

15. Do you believe in an afterlife?

There is an afterlife, I just have no clue what it consists of.

16. Favorite children�s book?

Any of the Harry Potter books (would any of you have guessed different for me?!)

17. What is your favorite season?

Spring, new life, possibilities

18. What�s your least favorite household chore?

Doing the dishes.

19. If you could have one super power, what would it be?

Turning back time.

20. If you have a tattoo, what is it?

It's a unicorn's head (white with a light blue mane) inside a multicolored circle, with a script "G" at the bottom.

21. Can you juggle?

Only our schedule.

22. The one person from the past you wish you could go back and talk with?

My Mother.

23. What�s in the trunk of your car?

We have a truck, they don't come with trunks :)

24. Which do you prefer, sushi or hamburger?

Hamburger! It's all about hamburger!

25. What is your favorite flower?


26. What is your birthday?

Feb. 26th, Pisces if you believe that sort of thing.

27. What has changed the most about you in the past 20 years?

Self-confidence and my capacity to love.

28. Who has been the biggest influence on your life?

That's a hard question... On one hand, my parents were extremely influential in my growing up process... but as an adult.... There are many people. I can't point to just one.

29. What makes you laugh?

Chef Wondre' and Julia Stepchild

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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