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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2002-11-13 - 10:13 a.m.

What I've Found

What is it with people today? Is everyone in such a hurry that they forget common courtesy? I'm not talking about SCA-people, I'm talking about the rest of the world at large.

Here's an example: Last night, we had to go to the Wal Mart to get some fill-in groceries. We were stopped, waiting for a car to back out of a space, so we could pull in. There were two cars side by side. One had pulled out, and we were waiting for the other one...the car behind us.. this little teeny tiny black tracker pulled out from behind us, turned in front of us and pulled into the spot beside the one that hadn't yet been vacated. We were waiting for the second car to vacate so we wouldn't have an issue with our long truck blocking that car from leaving. The black tracker pulled in the space then sat there, watching us try to get around the nice curb they had so thoughtfully installed beside the space. Alan got out, slammed the door, and she waited until we were half way to the front door before she got out. Then she walks in like she owns the place.

When we left, there she was again, in the Black Tracker, not looking where she was backing and just backed out... not cutting us off, but someone else; narrowly avoiding an accident, and then she just takes it could be she was just a really crappy driver, or it could be that she's an impatient sort, or it just could be that she's never learned about giving the other guy a chance.

I think that's the reason I like the SCA so much. When everything is going well, and the planets are in their proper alignment, people are curteous, helpful, and friendly. Not everyone is out for themselves (at least that's the perception I have). The more time I spend in Mundania, the more I enjoy the respite of a good SCA event.

In my first few years, I looked toward SCA events with dread. They usually meant a LOT of work for my love and I, with very little return. Things are quite different now. I look forward to events and the people who are there. What were once unfamiliar (and I thought unfriendly) are quite the opposite.

Instead of sitting through court watching total strangers get awards, and I sit there, bummed because I wanted to get X, I'm not happy to see total strangers get awards... it means they are being recognized for what they do and who they are, my time hasn't come yet, and maybe it never will. The value isn't in the prize, it's how you feel when you're doing X that really counts. Now, I go to court and I see someone I know (or at least know of) get an award and I'm glad I'm there to share the moment with them, even if it's as part of the crowd. I used to avoid court, I thought it was boring and there was nothing in it for me. Boy was I under a huge misconception!

We've gone to more events in the past year than we ever have. I'm falling into a bit of a routine in getting ready for events, and rarely do we forget the important things anymore (like, chairs).

I've found a clothing style I like (even if it doesn't go with the name I've chosen); I found something I love to do; I've found friends and I've found courtesy. WOW.. I've found a LOT!

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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