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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2002-11-07 - 11:51 a.m.


I'm sure you're all sitting there wondering just what Rhiannon is going to write about today... I know you're all on the edge of your seats, with incredible anticipation.... I know you are.. really... well.... here it is... my entry for today....

So much for getting stuff done around the house last night. I got home and it seemed like everything I touched took 4 steps worth of work to get even the simplest of things done... add to that, the fact that AIM isn't working for us for some odd reason.

I know it's not a big deal that AIM isn't working, but it's how I keep in contact with friends and the like since I can't really spend the day doing that anymore. The other issue for me is... if I have a program I expect it to work.. call me crazy. I managed to get into AIM for all of 30 seconds last night; but I couldn't stay. I get this dumb "You attempted to log on too soon. Try again later", this starts as soon as I try to log on the first time and continues all night. I've upgraded my software and done everything I can think of, but noooooooooooooo, I must be on some "don't let her on" list somewhere. I use AIM so much I'd be willing to pay a yearly fee so I could have helpdesk support for stuff like this. Why don't I just switch you ask? Well, most of my friends are on AIM, so that just makes it harder.

We bought a bed from some friends and we tried to put it together last night (it's a nice bed, wooden and everything), so we could have a guest bedroom... it turned out to need a 9/16 socket and ratchet. I found the 9/16 socket and then had to take another 10 minutes to find the ratchet socket thingy... it was outside... apparently it had been left outside when we put up the satellite about 6 or so months ago... and let's just say that when I found it, it had a really nice patina to it... orange, with a hint of metal. After soaking it in WD-40 for a few minutes, it was free enough to work, but it certainly didn't enjoy it, so we let it soak in the stuff all night and through the day today.

So the bed is in the front room, in pieces, just waiting. The loveseat that was in that room is now jammed into the doorway of the other bedroom to make room for the bed in the first room. That has to go to the landfill as soon as we can either stop going places or people stop visiting us. Until then, we'll be the clampetts and it'll go on the back porch (covered with a tarp), along with the matching chair that's in the other room.

Those are my goals.. getting the two "spare" rooms cleaned up. One will be the Golden Flipper Room, and the other will be a gust bedroom. Too bad we only have an air mattress, but it'll have to do. It's all we have.

I'm really hoping tonight will be more productive in the "if it doesn't move it's gone" fall cleaning spree. The house needs it, and so do I.

We have someone visiting soon who has allergies to pet dander and I'm trying really hard to get things in better shape now, so it all has a chance to settle some before they get here. (Believe it or not, I've always tried to do this... sometimes it's harder than others).

Remember, if any of you are interested in helping with Fence Day, all you gotta do is let us know, and we'll have stuff on hand to feed ya :)

The plan for fence Day is now to have the holes dug and the posts planted in concrete the weekend before (next weekend) so all we have to do is put on the fence material and the doors. We should be able to do that in a weekend, but many hands make light work, so the saying says.

I'm thinking we'll either have something stewlike or perhaps homemade spaghetti sauce :) Both sound yummy.... which one depends on the weather.. and as weird as it's been lately, I'm just hoping it won't be snow/rain. That would just plain suck.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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