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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2002-11-06 - 9:00 a.m.

Positive Frustrations

Okay, Okay.. so I caved into the sugary goodness of Krispy Kreme donuts My Stupidvosir brought them in today and it occurred to me that that's probably the only form of anything I'm going to get in this lifetime, so I ate one. Of course, now I feel not so good, in more ways that one.

I did manage to find out yesterday that I'm not the only one upset by the promotion announcement made on Friday. At least two others were upset for me, not for themselves. To them, my contributions and help mean something. That's a positive thing. At least my coworkers believe I deserved it, they know how hard I've worked and the things I've done. That's something really gratifying, even if my bosses don't care. In a way, I'm looking for reasons not to throw my hands up and just walk away; which is what I so very much want to do...still.

I'm turning the frustration with the job into hopefully positive things at home. I'm getting up off of my behind and doing the things I've been thinking about for weeks. Last night, I moved the microwave over near the stove, and hung up the cordless phone, leaving a non-food prep counter area for the cats bowl of food. It has to be moved out of the way for the new dog (and so Honey will learn to eat the new stuff); and I didn't want it anywhere near where we'd be cooking food... cat hair and food... well... yuck!

I was up again at 6AM and have managed to get the front bedroom in some semblance of order. It's not perfect yet, but there's always tonight. We've got a wooden bedframe we can put together, or a foldout camp bed, but but we've only got an air mattress for either of them. It's all we have, so it has to be good enough. I'm basically trying to take it from a junk and storage room and make it a bedroom. Yeah, I know you all wish me good luck.

I'm going to finish that room tonight, and then maybe tackle some more of the kitchen. The kitchen isn't horrible or anything, but the cabinet fronts need a cleaning and stuff like that.

I figure I can stew about work, or use the energy for something more positive. I vote for positive. At least last night I wasn't awake for hours after I went to sleep... I was tired (moving furniture will do that to you), and sleep came quickly.

I'm frustrated most of all, because I'm having one of those, people talk to me and tell me their stuff, but when I have an issue I need to talk about, folks tune me out, basically tell me to shut up or just don't care to hear what's going on. Yeah, I know everyone is wrapped up in their own lives and such, and I understand that, but sometimes it's nice to hear a "I can really sympathize" rather than a patronizing comment or one of those irritated "can we talk about ME now" comments.

Sigh.. people.... what can you do :)

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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