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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2002-10-30 - 12:51 p.m.

Still Growing

Today is a rather blah day outside. It's wet, and cold and my knees HURT. Okay, that's enough complaining. I've vowed to give myself three lines worth of complaining if I need them, then move onto something else.

In the words of BlackBear, what have I learned today?

Well, not a heck of a lot today... but over the past month or so, I'd say I've learned a lot. As anyone who reads my diary knows, I've been on a self improvement path lately, and while I'm still on that path, and I still have a long way to go, I've had a few realizations lately.

1. Attitude is everything. You can hate demos and you can hate public speaking (even if it about something you love); but plant a smile on your face and in your eyes, and it's not so bad after all.

2. You can't change what people think, but you can give them better information for them to make up their mind.

3. A positive word, at the right time, can be amazing or the exact wrong thing depending on timing and circumstance...I think. My love mentioned to me that the last time he went to get his haircut, there was a fairly young lady there, who it appeared was going through chemo and had lost some of her hair. She was there to get the rest of it shaved off. He said she sat there and held back the tears but she looked like the next step for her was going to be the side of a high bridge. He said that when she got up from the chair, she paid her money, jammed a hat on her head and left. I've been thinking about that woman off and on ever since. He said she looked like she was in need of a friend. Had I been there, what would I have done. I know what I would have wanted to do, but would it have been the right thing. Would my efforts have been looked at as condescending or something evil? Would it have been taken in the spirit I wanted. Would this person have thought I was a nutcase? I'll never know, and I guess that's what's still bugging me. Had I been in her shoes, I think I would have wanted someone to be kind to me to say something soothing... but what do you say?

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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