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2002-10-29 - 11:08 a.m.

Tuesday Blahs

What to write about today... not much is going on.. i realized at about 2AM this morning I have to make a Heralds banner for this weekend.. so that'll get done at some point before we leave on Friday. Tonight is fighter practice. I brought my inkle loom to work on during practice, since I'g ove got about 6" of 5 yards done, so I'd better get moving.

I'm reviewing claims today. I went to one of my bosses yesterday and asked to be taken off the phones for a while. I'm starting to realize that I'm getting burnt out. Answering the phones almost daily for six months can do that to you.

I'm having a very down blah-ish day today (it's partly the damn doughnut I ate.. why do people insist on bringing stuff like that to 'share'.. yeah, I know I could say no, and I usually do, but lately, my willpower has dwindled to nothing.) I started taking the appetite suppressant, and although it makes me warm (the "thermogenic reaction" the box warned about) on top of being warm natured anyway, I feel like I'm perpetually at Pennsic.

Could also be the weather... I'm waking up at 5AM these days, getting stuff done before work... it's kinda nice, but it means I'm tired as heck at 9:00.

I've got stuff I need to do to get the house in shape for the new dog (and the company); but by the time we get home, it feels like it's too late to get anything done (yeah, I know, it just seems that way).

I had myself convinced this weekend coming up was a weekend off... I realized yesterday that it's not.. it's Crown Tourney. Yep, I know, I'm not fighting, so what do I have to worry about. Not much really, other than the exchequer stuff for the Heralds.... but it's hard to relax and be "on public display" at the same time.

And I found out today that we're going to need black, red and gold garb for the Feast of St. Fortunawhoever. At least I know a bit ahead of time. I'll see what I can put together... maybe another particolor for me, and something "normal" for Gorm. We'll see.

As I told someone at the demo.. I'm thinking as far as "Fence Weekend" and nothing beyond that. After that, I'll work on the garb for us. Three weeks or so (with a four day weekend in there) should be enough time... if not, life happens. I need some warmer garb anyway.

This is usually when we start the mini-hibernation period between now and Marchish. It doesn't look like we're going to get too much of that this year, and that's not a bad thing. I end up missing my friends and the events and stuff.

Hmm... Twelth Night... I guess I need to start thinking of gifts for my friends... this'll be the first year we've done the gift thing :)

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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