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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2002-10-25 - 9:03 a.m.

Bad evenings come in 4s or is it 5s? I lost count.

The word to describe last night is...."special".

We got home from work last night and loaded the loom into the truck, tied it down and then came into the house to a dead cordless phone.

Alan checked the voicemail from the phone in the bedroom to find that there is a problem with the extra yarn we had ordered. And they're closed. Well RATS.

We started to defrost something for dinner and found that the microwave wouldn't work either. Both are hooked up to the same outlet, so my love went to the fusebox in the little room on the back of the house that keeps the hot water heater from running away. He opened the door and got met with a spurt of water something akin to an artery spurting blood. So now we had a nonworking electrical outlet AND a cold water pipe with a fairly nice leak.. under pressure of course. I decided to do what any other domestic type person would do, I found something else for dinner, while the He-Man of my universe diagnosed the problem. He decided what we needed to fix the problem, added the frozen meatballs to the sauce, turned it up to medium heat and off we went to the Home Depot. We got back about 30 minutes later, to charred dinner.

Okay.. so now we've got an electrical outlet that doesn't work (that now makes two out of four, by the way), a pipe with a broken solder and now we have no dinner.

My love set about to resolder the pipe and I decided to try to save dinner. After about thirty minutes, he came in and announced that he couldn't get the solder to the joint (the hot water heater is so close to the house that there's barely 8 inches of space between the heater and the wall. So he comes in the house to see what else he can some up with. He finds a package of JB Weld that says it works on hot and cold pipes. Well, let's give it a try.

I'm trying to get dinner to simmer down and thicken a bit, so we have a reasonable facsimilie of spaghetti sauce from things I managed to scrounge from the pantry.

With dinner almost done, my love comes in an announces that he's the biggest idiot in the free-world. I look at his hands... they're covered in gray stuff. "Didn't you use the latex gloves we have"? "Uh, no, I couldn't feel the pipe, and I figured I could wash my hands before dinner...I didn't realize until afterward that I'm an idiot... I turned the water to the house off and now I can't wash my hands!"

Okay.. so now we've got 4. How many more things are going to add up. I went to the front porch, where we have our store of water from the event we had in July and grabbed one of the jugs of water. He went into the bathroom and I poured the water so he could wash his hands.

Once his hands are washed, he says it takes 4-6 hours for his fix to set up, before we'll know anything, which means close to 6AM. Suddenly I'm thankful for Pennsic.. it means that if I have to, I know how to take a shower with less than 5 gallons of water, and I know how to warm it up.

We got out to the kitchen and find the stove is a disaster with tomator splatters all over the place, but dinner is ready. We both eat like we've been kept from food for days.

I decide to take care of the dinner dishes after dinner (since we're having company this weekend and all); but there's no water.

By now, it's pretty close to 9:30 or so, and I'm tired, my blood sugar is wonky because I ate way later than I should have, so I don't have the energy to measure the warp, and I can't wind the bobbins until I measure the warp.

At 10:00 i let the dog out to her stuff, and something catches her eye and she takes off for the woods. Damn! I can't wait for that darned fence. After a good 5 - 10 minutes of frantic calling, she bounds of the woods, so proud of herself for chasing something away.

I realize that I just can't take anymore of this fun we're having, so I decide it's time I go to bed and sleep the sleep of the fitful, dreaming of people chasing me down to kill me, that sort of thing. I woke up at 4:30 sweating like a pig. I hate diabetes. He likes it warm, but I'm a perpetual furnace, and I need it cooler to sleep, so I've been trying to compromise. To be blunt, it ain't working. So anyways, I wake up at 4:30 and start thinking about all the stuff that we need to do for the demo and for our houseguest. I don't know how to turn the water back on, and I'm not sure if *I* should do it anyway, so I lay there and wait til 6:00.

At 6; my love wakes up, pulls on clothes and goes to turn the water on. It's a beautiful morning, clear and crisp. As far as we know, everything works! We have water again!

We don't know what the problem with the electrical outlet which is what started this whole journey; so who knows what's going on.

In a flurry of activity, I get the dishes from last night done (I forgot to run the dishwaster this morning); and clean the stove. I picke dup the folded clothes and at least moved them into our bedroom to be put away by the clothes fairy.

At 7:00, I open the door to let the dog out, and it's raining! She hates rain, so it's out do what I gotta, and back in in less than 5 minutes.

We load the pavilion, poles and etc. into the truck and take off for work.

Now here I sit, I'm cold, my shoulders ache and my toes are cramped.

Ya know.. I was gonna write about why it seems like people just don't ask "how're you doing" and wait to hear the answer anymore. I can't remember the last time someone asked what I was up to, how I was doing... maybe they just don't really care.

But it's Friday! I get to weave all weekend, I should be happy. I am.. hopefully my shoudlers will stop aching between now and when I leave for setup.. otherwise it's going to be an aleve weekend!

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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