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2002-10-24 - 11:29 a.m.

Ding Dong the Sniper's caught and weaving - what else?

According to the latest news updates on the radio. They have their "men". "Men" is not the word I'd use, Cowards is. A father and his stepson. Truly makes you wonder about the stepson's upbringing that he would have such a disregard for human life. To them, these people who died and were hurt were nothing more than walking targets. One of them is only 17. Old enough to commit such a horrible crime, so he's old enough to pay for what he's done, but he's still young enough to not realize what a waste he's made of his life at 17.

Nope, I'm not a bleeding heart let-him-go type of person. I'm just sad that his life could be over before it ever started.

You have to wonder how much influence his step-father had in all of this. I keep telling myself it's not a case of who is more responsible, but it's a hard thing to swallow.

And I have to ask... where is his MOTHER?

On another note, I finished my weaving project so now the loom is clear and ready for the demo this weekend. The weaving project I was working on didn't turn out exactly how I'd planned, but I got something totally unexpected and wonderful... one side is a very nice looking normal weave structure, but when I took it off and flipped it over to look at the backside, I got a pleasant surprise... I have a totally different weave structure on the back side! The weaving isn't perfect, there are mistakes (lots of them); but it was a nice study of weave structure and how the back and front can be SO different. I'm going to take pictures of both and post them here, and I think I'm going to sew the ends so you can't see the mistakes, throw it in the wash, to "wet finish" it and bring it to the demo.

As for the demo, things are close to being ready. I've got about 1800 yards of warp to measure and bobbins to wind tonight as well as getting together all of the other things I want to put into my demo piece. I wanted to do a story board to explain the warping process, etc., but I just haven't had time. I'm going to spend a lot of Saturday morning warping the loom.

We ended up buying more thread for the weft and it's shipping it's way to us. $90 for a demo... all I can say is WOW. I can't wait to actually get my chance to use the new thread.. yeah, it sounds weird, that I should be looking forward to playing with string, but I am. I think I was a cute little kitten with a string fetish in another life.

I believe it'll pretty much just be me in our 20' pavilion, so I plan to make it a "weaving demo" room... I'm going to bring my inkle loom, some books, my lucet, some of what I've made in the past and perhaps parts of two larger weaving projects I've completed.

I'm setting up the loom with red and blue (sound familiar to anyone) with a plain weave pattern so folks will see what "woven cloth" looks like. I also think I'm going to have about a 30 inch wide and almost 4 yards long piece to work on for two days. That should work. I'm going to be coming home on Saturday evening and winding bobbins.

I *think* I found a really cheap solution to my bobbin problem... I'm using coffee stirrers (the ones that are basically small straws). I can wind the weft thread on them and that way I get more thread on the bobbin and they're small enough to go on the metal pin on the boat shuttle.

Okay.. I'll stop rambling about string and yarn and weaving now.. I'm sure I'm boring you all to tears. Hopefully someone I know will come by and take some pictures of everything I've got set up, but we'll see what I really manage to get done between now and Saturday. It didn't occur to me until just the other day, that I could be a weaving demo all by myself... I very nearly have a room full of weaving stuff.

I wish I had time to warp my other loom and do some cardweaving.. but that's somethign I can't quite get my head wrapped around yet, so that will have to wait... maybe for next year.

The weather is rather threatening, so I'm going to be on pins and needles... but it will all be worth it, I'm sure. I get to weave for a weekend, what more could a girl ask for??? Well, there are other things, but I'm a happy girl when I can just do that.

Eeeek! Garb.. I forgot about garb... not much of what I have fits anymore! I've lost the 30 and so far, so good, it's off... If I don't come up with something, I could be in real trouble..... oh dear!!!

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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