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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2002-09-19 - 8:47 a.m.


So.. it appears the Chesterfield county board of supervisors took the easy way out. For those of you who aren't THAT local, there is a hate group that has plans to meet in the local library this weekend for an "education session." This group of people considers Hitler and Mousselini to be martyrs for their cause. They are white supremicists (I can't spell that word); and all white people are welcome to their meeting. They obtained the room under false pretenses (they claimed to be a tax-taxable education group-I think that's the right terminology); but their "mother" group is NOT tax exempt. People are up in arms about these people meeting in the library, and they want them to go. The county board of stupidvisors has been threatened by them with the ACLU, and the stupidvisors lawyer has counseled them that they should let them meet. Supposedly, there is also going to be another group holding a prayer vigil outside the library, and no doubt, lots of other people will be there, too. In short, this seems to be set up for failure. It's going to be ugly because one group of people doesn't have the gonadal fortitude to stand up to the ACLU and tell them and this hate-mongering group to take their crap elsewhere. They got the room under false pretenses, that should be enough to cancel the room.

It just frosts my cookies that a group such as that can do as they please and because the stupidvisors are afraid of controversy, they cave in. Stand up, grow a backbone and do the right thing!

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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