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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2002-08-29 - 10:43 a.m.

Thursday Trifle-ings

No in case some folks misunderstood me yesterday... let me clairfy a few things.... I don't hate either "sport" I mentioned yesterday, I just don't get the hype surrounding them. If it's what you wanna do, then go right ahead and do it, and I'll probably be around somewhere close just cause ya'll are my friends and that's good enough for me.

I don't have to understand or like what ya'll do to be friends. I'm just like that (or at least I try to be). As long as it's not incredibly fattening, immoral or illegal knock your socks off :) (and it can even be immoral.. who am I to judge my friends?!)

Now.. on to something new. The truck is behaving better, maybe it just doesn't like the heat. I can't say I blame it. We have an appointment with the people we bought it from for Wednesday. We have a bone to pick with them anyway (they sold us a truck with the wrong size spare hub and tire... nope, it's not a donut, it's a full size tire, but the wrong size and type. Had we used it when we got the flat on the way to Highland River Melees, we would have torn up the brakes and rotors (so we've been told). The best part is, we've got a $50 deductible and practically everything other than routine maintenance is covered thanks to the externded service thingy we have. So that means I don't have to sit at the Pep Boys all morning on Saturday. So I can have the day to myself.... now all we gotta do is figure out how to get to work from the dealership and back again to pick up the car (no loaner or shuttle service).

Saturday is also the day we get our Satellite modem (somehow I see a new computer in our future around Christmastime.. don't ask me why).

The diet? Well, don't ask. Since I've been back from Pennsic, I've been hungry. Not just peckish, but I want to eat ALL the time. Not good. The Dr. Said I could use an appetite suppressant, so I'm going to look into one tomorrow or saturday when I get my meds refilled.

I ended up at the Wal Mart last night and bought a fountain pen so I could practice some of my calligraphy at work while I'm on the phone (or at least waiting for calls). I used to use one all the time, but I'm having issues with it today. I think my hand position has gotten really sloppy over the years. I'm used to having the pen at a 90-degree angle to the paper, fountain pens don't work well that way.

I also wish I knew why I was so tired. I've been taking naps at like 8PM every night, and then I get woken up in the middle of the night with MASSIVE leg cramps. I've got a doctor's appointment in two weeks, I'll mention it to him and we'll see what he says.

In other news, our well appears to be doing okay (keep your fingers crossed it stays that way). The rain is helping and I'm certainly not bitching about it. I don't care if I'm soaked to the bone, as long as some of it makes it's way to our well. I've also heard a weather report that says we're going to have period of rain from now through Sunday double yeay(insert LOUD CHEER here). No, I haven't been concerned about our well, not a bit... really.

Does anyone know how much rain it takes to make a difference in water levels of a well? How long does it take for rain water to seep into the soil and get to a well?

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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