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2002-08-06 - 9:57 a.m.

Weaving and etc.

Fair warning folks.. i'm having one of those days. It all started when I woke up, believe it or not. I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night (I haven't for the past few nights, too much on my mind, I guess).

Add to that, the fact that I think I've lost my debit card (I just discovered this this morning) I dumped the contents of my purse out on the kitchen table this morning, hoping it was somehow in my purse, and not just in my wallet. No dice.

I've checked all of my usual haunts for it, and still no dice.

At one point in my life, I had a friend that when I lost things around my house or apartment, I'd call her and she'd know exactly where it was. Too bad I can't do that now.

Once I dumped out my purse and didn't see the card, I hastily stuffed it all (or at least what I thought was "all" back in and dashed out the door to work. Yep, I forgot something. Something important... my diabetes medication.

I was just now walking around the office wondering why I felt like crap and tired, etc., then I remembered I hadn't taken my meds. I went to my purse... and nothing...*sigh*

I have my wallet, my blood sugar testing kit, my handspring and the phone, and that's it. I wondered why it felt "different" this morning.

I think I'm entering that phase of too little sleep known as "the stupids". I'm supposed to sit here today and concentrate on doing claim reviews and my brain just won't commit to the task. It's actually worse than I thought.. they expect me to do MATH! *gasp* percentages even. (Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) I'm thinking I might want to keep a dosage of my meds here at work, since I seem to do this about once a month or so.

All I can say is, it's amazing how your blood sugar affects everything else.

The pennsic packing is right on schedule. Tonight we have to go by Michael's and pick up some more "plates" the sign board is done (we had to screw in something like 457,296 cup hooks..okay it wasn't that many, but it sure felt like it). We painted the boards on Sunday morning, and I lettered them by hand on Sunday afternoon/evening.

The rest of tonight is laundry, cleaning out the truck, moving the trunk to the back yard and (praying it doesn't get stolen while we're gone); and staging what we're taking to war. We've been doing that little by little already, so it won't take long. I need to finish the pouches I made the other day and add in another hood.

I plan on refolding the garb in the tubs we're taking to see if I can squeeze a little more room for other stuff in with them.

We're not tight on space, but I'd love to have it all fight with a minumum of squish factor. However, it is amazing that an 8' long bed can fill up so quickly.

I'm also trying to work out how to make letters on an inkle loom WITHOUT using cards. I found an article in a back issue of "Handwoven" but something my brain is preventing understanding, maybe it's tiredness. I wish I could fix that. I've been trying to get as much rest as I can now because I know I won't get much the first few days of war and I can't go all that long without good sleep. I know what the article says, but I can't convert it to actual motion. It's times like this when I wonder if I have some sort of comprehension disability or something. When I was "younger" I could read something and do it. Now I have to study something over and over and over to get the hang of something. I'm a creative person, and I can usually do this type of stuff without much effort, but lately, I dunno.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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