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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2002-08-02 - 10:23 a.m.

Pennsic and Andrew's question

I can certainly understand the thoughts of those not going to Pennsic. I am leaning towards being one of you last year, except for one thing. I miss my love way too much to be without him for that long. Yeah, I know, it's kinda stupid, but it's the truth. He went to Pennsic without me one year (his second Pennsic)... I stayed home because I had had more than my share of the whole pennsic experience during my first Pennsic the year before.

It's not that I hate pennsic, that's prtty far from the truth. I just don't get the same excitement as most people do. I don't get the thrill of showering in water you can't drink, walking around in the oppressive heat and praying for rain, but you know that will only make things more humid and harder to breathe. Sitting there under the gp medium during a storm in the middle of the night hoping your pavilion/tent/whatever will survive the winds and rain.

I'm fat, although not as fat as I used to be, and I've got a few other interesting problems to add to my uncomfortability in the heat. I have something to look forward to this year, so it's not really going to be about picking up after Gorm and sitting around camp during the hotter parts of the day.

If you don't fight or don't have the stamina to fight all day, Pennsic can be... well, boring. There's only so much shopping and walking and fighting and classes one person can take in a week.

Now the chocolate milk is wonderful and is a reason for me to go to Pennsic all by itself, so are the friends I have... but I am a Princess to some degree. I love the a/c and I love to be able to sit on something that I don't have worry about and it has PADDING.

By the end of the week, my behind hurts and I'm fairly incomfortable. This year, I'm strongly considering just tossing out all of the "I wants" and buying a bench that I can put some padding on just so I can be comfy. I'm not asking for a heck of a lot I don't think. I just want to be comfy in at least one dimension for at least a short time during the week.

For me, there has to be an easier way. I keep working for a "real" vacation. One that I don't have to make clothes for, I can swim in a pool, and sleep in air conditioned luxury.

I would be just as happy if I could sit at my loom at home for a week and weave. Right now, that's the one thing I want to do more than anything. Sit... and weave.

I'll get to it after war and it'll be just the neatest thing. I'm not all that good at it yet, but I will be someday.

I plan to learn how to use a drop spindle at Pennsic this year as well as taking a few other classes on dressmaking and garb, my overall plan is to learn one new something every year.

The first year, I learned to survive

My second year, I learned how to weave chain links for chainmail

My third year, I learned to be a chirurgeon

My fourth year, who knows... there ARE possibilities, I just have to be open enough to SEE them. There are great, fun things ahead for me, so Pennsic ain't so bad....

As for Andrew's question...I'm not a parent, and perhaps I'm way off the mark.. but I believe that children are born with a sense of right and wrong (a conscience), and it's their parents and the rest of society that give them the means to refine it. How they are treated (or mistreated) forms how they make decisions. Does this mean that someone can use the "I was abused as a child" as a valid murder defense.. nope. Deep down they know it's wrong, or at least a part of them used to know.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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