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2002-07-29 - 4:59 p.m.

Honey, sewing and my new Name

I ended up taking the day off today.. the dog needed to be watched and I wouldn't have been all that productive anyways.

Seems (at least to the vet) that she's got some inflammation in her back, and she gave Honey Rimadyl. She's only had one, and she's perking up a bit already. We're supposed to keep her from jumping up on things, and from jumping down, as well as keeping her from chasing the cats. yeah, right, sure, we'll get right on that after we find a cure for the common cold; both are about as likely.

The garb is all packed and inventoried. Looks like we don't need to sew hardly anything after all.

Let me preface this with a this is NOT about the Atlantian College of Heralds or the Golden Dolphin Herald. I was at the meeting, they did their level best to help me get the name I wanted. It's not their fault, not in the least. I do, however, hold Laurel responsible and am considering sending him/her/them a very smelly fish. Let me explain...I heard back from Laurel about my name change. (insert swearing here). I'm not going to get my knickers in a wad, but not only did they give me a name I don't want (Elizabeth M'Kiernan), they hacked the one I sent them (I sent Eilis MacKiernan the Weaver, they decided I sent Eilis M'Kernan); add to that, that I can appeal to the Board, but they've never overturned a Laurel decision, so it's back to the drawing board. I even used the citation someone else used to register the name, which *I* would think would be sufficient... if it was good enough for her, then it should be good enough for me, I'd reckon... but I guess I'd be wrong. So, it's back to the drawing board, even if it is a name I like.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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