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2002-07-19 - 6:50 a.m.

The Cat Whisperer

Before I backtrack... let me say one thing... I got my duplicate driver's license in the mail yesterday, so I'm back to driving legally... Yeay ME!

Okay, let me backtrack on our Boston trip just a bit to tell you the story of the Cat Whisperer.

We boarded the plane for our second hop from Newark to Providence. The plane is larger than the last, but the seats are smaller and more cramped; Go figure.

We're getting settled in for our 45 minute hop to Providence when I hear this amazing and insane caterwauling coming from somewhere on the plane. (I can't tell where it's coming from, thanks to my hearing problem last year this time, directionality is not one of my strong points). But it's loud and definitely catlike.

When I hear the pilot "Would *MEOOOOOOOW* the person who boarded *HISS****with a cat *YEOWLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL*please turn on your call light, thank *mad scrambling or so it sounds like* you!"

I'm shaking my head wondering how or why in the name of all that's holy to cat lovers why someone brought a cat on a plane, and why for heaven's sake wasn't the poor thing doped for the trip?

Just before take off, the pilot gets back on the speaker system and we can hear muffled cries of outrage and disgust from the cat that must be in the cockpit while he's talking. He's identifying the flight and his name and etc., while the cat is working on tearing his way out of whatever it is he's in.

The pilot ends his verbal discourse with a good-natured "Also folks, would thre happen to be a cat whisperer on board?"

Needless to say, all of the passengers on the plane got a real kick out of that. Everytime the pilot used the PA system, you could hear the cat. Everyone on the plane was laughing so hard, you'd have thought there was laughing gas in the plane instead of oxygen.

By the time we actually landed, either the cat was traumatized to the point it couldn't speak, or the tranquilizers had taken effect. In fact, a very mellow kitty left the airport to lots of laughter from the crew and travelers.


Jumping ahead to after the Great Chicken Massacre of about 30 people, 40 chickn halves, all the side dishes you could possibly want to eat in 110 degree heat and the best of all bests, a swimming pool at Aunt Kathy's (she lives right across the street from his grandmother). He has an uncle who lives to the right of Kathy, she lives on the corner, yep, there a close family.


So the day after the chicken massacre, we went sightseeing in Salem and then on to a ball game. Lucky for us, we were watching the local news when we saw a screen crawl that tickets for tonight's game was still available. My love made a quick call, and about $130 later, we had tickets!

Our day in Salem was interesting. We got to hear a lot about the Salem Witch trials and we visited museums who couldn't resist trying to tie it in with the McCarthy hearings and all that stuff. I dunno, I just wasn't a big fan of the tie in. It made the rest of their exhibits lose their appeal. I was looking for folk lore on a specific time period, and it wasn't in the 1900's.

We got to see a "live" witch examination led by a group of actors from the local college. They were really good and it was rather interesting. They had a troupe of like 6 people who played no less than 12 people and the "witch" on trial answered questions from the gallery (other tourists watching the trial.) She did quite well. All in all, it was the best part of the day in Salem.

Yes, I know it was a tourist trap, designed to separate me from my money, but I did rather well holding onto it, there wasn't really anything I wanted to buy.

The other best part of the day in salem was lunch. On the way out of the "play" we stopped at this little teeny tiny corner polish (I think) market and had two subs made fresh for us. No one spoke much english, but the amount of meat they had in the case to choose from was just incredible. There were things in there I had no clue how to pronounce! I have to say that it was the absolute best sandwich I've had in a long time. Everything was cut fresh and it was just absolutely delicious. They weren't sandwiches, they were works of art!

Stay Tuned tomorrow to Fenway Park for the faint of heart!

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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