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2002-03-16 - 9:01 a.m.

Html, Doctors and Shopping!

Well, i've screwed up my html.. I'm not sure how, but I did.. any help would be appreciated with fixing it... until then, my diary entries are going to be rather sparse.

Not much to report, three days left on the old job and it's OVAH!

We finally got a new tv to replace the one that died a few weeks ago... it's amazing how you miss something once it's gone.

The dog was sick last night (ugh!); I've been shopping for clothes for the new job.

I spent several hours in my doctor's office yesterday dealing with my "female issues" to no avail. Am I the only one that's frustrated with "we can give you another depo shot and take ibuprofen" no one seems to give a rats patootie that I'm in pain (again!) and have a cycle going on 16 days now (yeah, I know that's more than you needed to know, but I needed to put it in writing, so deal). I've been taking 800mg of Ibuprofen for two weeks now, and my tummy isn't all that impressed with me right now. I'm so frustrated; I don't really know what to do. I feel like I can't get anyone to listen. I know the nurses that I talk to when I call the doctor are trying their best, but I really feel that they (and by extension) my doctor, don't care.

Where is a good, caring medical professional when you need them?

Well, I'm off to the pharmacy to get a refill of my ibuprofen (it's a refill of the prescription my GP gave me when I had a pinched nerve in my back); I hate taking pills... the nurse suggested I take 4 200mg tablets... I hate taking meds... why take 4 tablets, when I can just take one? Yeah, I'm sorta self-medicating and that's bad, but otherwise I'd be in bed and crying for the past two weeks. You do what you need to to function. For the record, I hate this. I hate being "sick" but I hate being in constant pain worse. I hate being shunted around and I'm no better than when I started.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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