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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2002-03-07 - 12:02 p.m.

busy busy busy--swishypoke

One week from today, and I'm a free woman... well free to be indentured to someone else, so I guess that's not really free. But you get the idea.

Not a lot going on, and lots of things going on all at once, it's been one of those weeks, and doesn't show much sign of slowing down. I like it this way, but it's still kind of tiring.

There's not much going on in the office on my last few days.. I'm getting stuff finished up, so it all doesn't dump into the lap of the Not Yet Competent One.

Tonight, we're spending some time with some friends who have a camp bed for sale... so maybe this will solve our bed building dilemma.

Last night was fighter practice and for once, the rapier people outnumbered the heavies (which was nice; the heavies are a great bunch of folks, but the clashing and bashing that happens when they're around is rather painful to my bad ear. I did find out something last night.... after lots and lots of sparring, we (the rapier folks) had a couple of lectures and lessons in melee tactics... that was awesome! I like doing rapier melees, but I really don't like doing tournament fighting. I know the one on one has to happen to get good at melees, but I don't like the idea of a tournament.. too many people staring at the entrants, and that just makes me even more nervous. I know I'm not very good at rapier stuff, and having people staring at me, just makes me even more nervous (yes, that's possible). I got off to a rocky start with rapier, and I'm going to work to change that, but I don't have a lot of confidence yet. I haven't been practicing much which is why I still suck, but I'm hoping that now that the weather is getting less cold my knees should work better making the rapier stuff a bit easier. I'm going to start doing tip drills with the tennis ball again.

I do have one concern about the sparring. There is one person who hits rather hard (a lot harder than necessary). I know several folks have mentioned it to him (including a rapier marshal), but he doesn't see the point in toning things down. The question is, when I play with him, I come away bruised, and that's not my thing. Is there a way to graciously opt out of sparring with him? He has some good things to teach, but I can't learn through pain. Pain just hurts and frustrates me. And before you say anything, accidents do happen and those are just that, accidents; the occasional heavy thrust can and is overlooked, but what do you do with someone who continually hits hard?

Any suggestions (privately or via my guestbook) are greatly appreciated.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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