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Veteran's Day and an Etiquette Question

2001-12-20 - 10:18 a.m.

Honey, Tessa, Riley and a Christmas Present that isn't

*sigh* It's christmas.. want to know how I know? Just listen to this:

I took the day off today, since tomorrow is the day of my surgery and we're headed to the inlaws either directly after my surgery or on Saturday and I wanted to get some stuff done around the house, you know, like laundry, take a shovel to the living room, that sort of stuff.

I decided to take the dog to the groomer's and the bird to the bird sitter this morning. Lucky for me, both are being cared for by the same guy. The hardest part was dealing with the animals.

This morning, I walked out of our bedroom and got met by the remains of a good night of hunting by the cats. A very dead (but whole) mouse. This lead to the cats strutting around with that "see.. aren't I great! expression" The dog, of course, had to inspect it; I got her to go outside finally, and stood on the front porch waiting for her to "finish". I open the door to find the cat on the dining room table... for about the 450th time.

In the middle of this, I'm trying to assemble the bird cage and get it outside to the truck. I get the cage together, take it outside and come back in for the bird. I put it in a smaller cage and cover it with a quilt and carry it out to the truck and do the bird exchange. The dog starts whining and crying like I poked her with a stick. I'm using HER blanket. Gimme a break.

I get the wrapped cage out of the house and start to walk down the steps when this black blurr whooshes past me. Damnit! Tessa's out too (one of the cats). I get the bird in the larger cage, get the dog in the truck and then go after the cat. I finally get her corralled after threats of bodily injury and get back in truck to head off to the groomer's. The dog is trying her damnest to climb on top of the cage and give that bird what for. I should be laughing, but it's 7:30 and I'm already stressed.

I get the dog to the groomer and drop off the bird, when I realize that I forgot the perches in his cage. They're at home. I make a mental note to drop them off and head off to drop hubby at work.

I get back from taking the hubbster to work and decide to put the "trunk" back on the truck. It's a diamond plated husky box. I amaze myself by getting it on the truck and in place by myself without pulling a muscle or collapsing in pain or exhaustion.

I decide to come into the house and check on a christmas present that hasn't arrived. I call the company and first they say they can't find the order... then on second look, she finds the order but it's "in process". When I ask what that means, she can't really tell me... I guess it's one of those "If I tell you I have to kill you things." The jist of the matter is, it hasn't shipped yet. I paid for 2 day AIR (which made this present damn close to $100); which was going to be a large part of christmas for someone I really care about. Since we're possibly leaving tomorrow, there's no way on earth short of using the Enterprise and beaming it to me, that it will be here on time.

Not only will it not be here on time, but I can't cancel the order to use the money for something else I know he WILL want and has a prayer of being under the tree for him for Christmas. I CAN send it back and they'll credit me for another item, but that's all they can do. What happened to customer service?? So not only am I short an important present, I'm short the money to get him a "replacement" one too.

Add to that, a missing credit card that's somewhere in this godforsaken house (i've been looking for it for two days now... I never realized how hard it was to find something flat and black before) and You can see why my day is going from bad to totally sucks.

Please don't forget to answer my survey... it's research for a small business idea... all comments appreciated, no reasonable offer refused!!! It won't take five minutes, I PROMISE!

For Matt, come home safe and sound! We miss you!

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